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Individual attractions

Zip Line

A specially prepared overhead route runs between the forest path, three trees, and the terrace in front of the Adventure Park reception building, with a total length of approximately 500 meters.

Zip Line

A specially prepared overhead route runs between the forest path, three trees, and the terrace in front of the Adventure Park reception building, with a total length of approximately 500 meters.

The zip line elements are located above the horse paddock, and from various trees, you can admire beautiful views stretching out over the Gdańsk Bay. This attraction is hugely popular among both children and adults. Age is not a barrier to enjoying this thrilling descent, and participants are under the constant supervision of the instructional staff.

Before embarking on their aerial adventure, aspiring climbers are equipped with professional climbing gear from the PETZL brand, including a harness equipped with lanyards (ropes) ending with a descent block and two carabiners, as well as a protective helmet.

The next step is proper training conducted by a qualified high-altitude instructor, who will explain how to use the equipment received earlier and present safety procedures. After this brief step, it’s time for the descent, enjoying the views, and observing the surroundings from a bird’s-eye perspective.



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